Riot Games has taken some serious measures to control Smurfing and AFKs in the upcoming release which was scheduled for December 8th, 2020. That is really a good news for the competitive players. You might have observed the huge number of smurfs plaguing the game at the lower brackets of the competitive spectrum and it seems Riot Games has finally decided to overcome this problem.

A VALORANT player responded, to a Reddit post complaining about the smurf problem, with a solution to curb the number of smurfs in the game. As of now, you just have to play, not win, 20 games to qualify for the ranked VALORANT queue. As confirmed by a developer, Riot Games is more likely to force the players to strive for 10 wins rather than just play in the upcoming release. Here is the details from Ask VALORANT session that took place on December 4th , 2020.

Sage, one of the most popular agent in VALORANT is about to get some buffs in the latest release. VALORANT's official twitter handle confirmed it. Sage is everyone’s favourite for her incredible healing power, ability to slow down the enemies, and her wall’s ability to block the areas of a map. She also has one of the most powerful ultimate ability- Resurrection. She was overpowered until developers decided to bring her down with couple of nerfs over the last few patches. Now it’s time to regain her glory!

Killjoy, has been suspended from the game temporarily due to a game breaking bug. A bug that allowed Killjoy to place Turret skill under maps where it becomes invisible to the enemies and attack them. VALORANT confirmed the suspension via twitter. Hopefully, she receives a bug fix in the next update.

That’s about the highlights for the next release. Stay tuned for the updates!