Epic Games released the final update of Season 4 on November 18th, 2020. It seems Epic Games has dedicated the patch for bug fixes and device updates. Here is what to expect from the release 14.60: 

  • You can now hide and mute Elimination Feed and Elimination Audio, respectively. You can turn off Elimination Audio, which causes eliminated players to be de-spawned silently, by navigating to My Island > Settings > Player Elimination Audio: Off. Similarly, hide Elimination Feed by selecting My Island > UI > Hide Elimination Feed: Yes. You can also hide the number of eliminations for each party member in the Party UI, here - My Island > UI > Hide Party Eliminations: Yes. This should help step up your stealth game.
  • Hub Island portal layout has been updated to conform the hub creator guidelines. An issue where feature islands and personal islands showed the different time of day lighting has been fixed.

  • Class Selector Device now has the option to turn on/off Activation Audio and Zone Audio. Activation Audio controls the audio effect played when a player changes class whereas Zone Audio pertain to the ambient audio effect for the zone and the audio effects for players entering and leaving the zone.
  • Mutator Zone device received six new options- Selected Team, Affects Team, Selected Class, Affects Class, Update Selected Team When Receiving From, Update Selected Class When Receiving From.
  • More Bug Fixes:
  • A bug that allowed an eliminated player to spectate a player on the enemy team has been fixed.
  • Sky flickering issue on PS4 has been addressed.
  • X-4 Stormwing de-sync after player interaction has been resolved.
  • Issue which prevented players from opening the Creative Inventory after cutting and pasting a device is fixed now.
  • Creative Inventory distortion when customizing a device is addressed in this release.
  • Assets from the Swamp Cliff Gallery displaying the wrong texture has been fixed.
  • Bonus Update! Finally Venom entered Fortnite Battle Royale. Venom’s cosmetic bundle contains a Symbiote Slasher Pickaxe, Tendril Tote Back Bling, and Venom Emote. Take a look at his skin in-game here.