The 25th season of Competitive Play has started on November 5th, 2020 and will run until January 7th, 2021. At the beginning of the 25th season, Overwatch has neither received any new heroes nor gameplay updates. You will most likely have to wait for couple more weeks to receive any update because the latest patch arrived last week bringing balance changes to Baptiste, Brigitte, McCree, Mei, Symmetra, and Widowmaker. 

Here is the breakdown of the skill tiers to get started. Before entering the Competitive Play, you have to complete five assignment matches in the selected role to get their seasonal skill rating for that role. The skill rating will be a number between 1 and 5000, with higher values indicating a greater skill level. Each player will be assigned a tier per role based on their rating: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, or Grandmaster. Your skill rating will increase with a victory and will decrease with a loss. There are many factors which may affect your skill rating, know more about it by clicking on ‘Information’ from the Competitive Play menu.


As usual, if you play all your placement matches, you will receive a special spray and player icon. If you finish in the top 500 on any character queue or open queue leaderboard, you get another player icon and animated spray. Moreover, you earn ‘Competitive Points’ by completing competitive matches and at the end of the season you will also receive several Competitive Points based on the highest Skill Tier you earned in this season for each character. Competitive Points are used to purchase golden versions of your favorite hero's weapons.