Overwatch received December retail updates. The update is focused on bug fixes, gameplay changes, and hero balance changes. Let’s take a look at the highlights.

Hero Updates:

  • Baptiste’s Amplification Matrix, one of the most powerful ultimate abilities in Overwatch, cost has been increased by 15% and his Immortality Field’s health has been decreased to 150 from 200. These changes were deployed to balance Baptiste’s overall power.

  • D.Va’s Mech Armor health has been reallocated to 300/300 from 200/400. This allows her to withstand more damage from weapons with a high fire-rate, beams, and shotguns.
  •  Reinhardt received a boost. His Base Armor has been increased to 250 from 200 and his Rocket Hammer damage has been increased to 85 from 75.

Winter Wonderland 2020:

Overwatch Winter Wonderland event started on December 15th, 2020 and will end on January 5th, 2021. The event includes new cosmetics, weekly rewards, and new gameplay mode- Freezethaw Elimination. It also includes original game modes: Mei’s Snowball Offensive, Snowball Deathmatch, and Yeti Hunter. Play to earn weekly challenges offers Epic Skins, Sprays, and Player Icons as rewards. This week’s you will get a chance to earn Elf Junkrat Player Icon, Elf Junkrat Spray, and Elf Junkrat Epic Skin by winning 3 games, 6 games, and 9 games, respectively.

Other Updates:

  • Priority Pass: Blizzard Entertainment introduced a new feature called Priority Pass in Overwatch. This feature is designed to resolve the population imbalance between Support, Tank, and Damage roles. Also, it will help to address the longer queue time that Damage players often experience. You can earn Priority Passes by choosing Flex when you queue; earn more passes by winning rather than losing. Remember, you cannot use Priority Passes while playing a group of five or more.
  • Now, Replay Viewer has many new options including modify player outline strength, disable objective capture sounds, adjust the spectator camera behaviour, and the ability to independently toggle UI elements.