Riot Games has come up with a new champion in Patch 11.2.

A new King has arrived, and his only quest is finding his beloved wife. He can destroy anything and anyone to get to her. His reign is terror and, his love is eternal. All will fall before the Ruined King until Isolde returns to him.


Once there lived a young, energetic King from the ancient realm named “Viego”. Viego comes from Royalty. The title of a King is achieved as his father was a dynasty king and Viego was the second son. But Viego had no desire to be the ruler. Instead, he lived a comfort which drives him to be selfish. When his elder brother died, Viego who lacked the inclination and aptitude to be the ruler was crowned as a king. He was trying to gain rulership skills until he met a poor, seamstress woman named Isolde. Viego fell in love and married the Isolde. Viego started to devote his life to her.

But his allies and people were not satisfied as they thought that he was not exactly the best ruler for this kingdom. This led to a plot to end their new King’s reign before it had begun. Thus, a poisoned dagger did come to kill Viego but he was defended well by his army and it did not strike him but grazed Isolde. The toxic began to spread quickly. Despite several attempts to save her, Viego could not save his wife.

Driven by madness, Viego searched for a way to bring back his wife from the Dead with the help of the Water from the Blessed Isles. The water in it could heal any ailment. With his merciless army, he stormed the country and killed everyone who tried to stop him until he reached the blessed water. Isolde came back to life but not as Viego had expected. She was angry and took Viego's enchanted blade and stabbed him in his heart. The magic of the sword and the water clashed which caused a massive event that imprisoned the Isles and everything within it turning them undead.

1000 years later, Viego has risen without recollection of the events that happened but still retained that love driven rage fuelling desire to find his wife once again.



Viego can take temporary control of the enemy champions he killed. This helps him to heal for a certain percentage of the enemy's max health. He also gains access to their basic abilities and items.


Viego's attacks deal a percentage of his target’s current health as a bonus on hit. When Viego attacks an enemy who recently hit the ability, the attack strikes twice. The strike second strike siphons health from the target instead of dealing regular damage.


Viego can charge up before dashing forward. This releases a concentrated black mist which stuns the first enemy hit.


Viego can control the black mist to haunt and surround an area. He can hide in it as a wraith and by doing so he gains movement speed, Camouflage, and attack speed.


Viego can teleport himself to a nearby location and execute an enemy champion on arrival. He can stab through the enemy’s heart and cause a destructive shockwave around him which knocks the enemy’s allies too.

See the complete patch notes, here.