It has been a couple of weeks since League of Legends (LoL) received a mega update 10.23 which brought a complete makeover to the game. Riot Games released another patch for LoL this week bringing new skins, chromas, and balance change to the game. It looks like Riot Games has decided to drive down the over performing and rev up the underwhelming champions and items in this patch.

Champions Update:

  • Amumu: The last update made Amumu an overpowered character so in the latest update, his W damage over time has been reduced. 
  • Hecarim: Passive bonus movement speed to bonus damage conversion and E bonus movement speed have been decreased. A bug which allowed him to gain more than 25% movement speed immediately after casting E - Devastating Charge has been fixed.
  • Kalista: Q Rend transfer and E damage ratio bugs which was reposted in 10.23 have been fixed now.
  • Kayle: Passive - Divine Ascent bonus attack speed has been reduced.
  • Samira: 10.23 update made her the menacing character so to keep her in check, passive melee blade bonus damage ratio and dash range against immobilized enemies have been decreased.
  • Tryndamere: He received a power up. Q bonus AD and bonus AD per 1% missing health have been increased.
  • Varus: Being a high-priority pick in Pro play, Varus received a major balance change. 
  • Q Blight detonation cooldown reduction has been removed
  • Now damage from Blight effects detonated with Q are increased up to 50% based on the amount of time Varus charges it
  • Q now displays crit text when fully charged
  • W bonus damage and missile speed have been reduced

Skins and Chromas: LoL has received ten new skins: Cosmic Devourer Vladimir, Cosmic Flight Anivia, Cosmic Invoker Illaoi, Dark Cosmic Lissandra, Cosmic Charger Hecarim, Cosmic Destiny Nami, Cosmic Huntress Nidalee, Cosmic Sting Skarner, Cosmic Hunter Varus, and Star Guardian Soraka Prestige Edition. 


Total nine new sets of chromas are available in this update: Cosmic Devourer Vladimir, Cosmic Flight Anivia, Cosmic Invoker Illaoi, Dark Cosmic Lissandra, Cosmic Charger Hecarim, Cosmic Destiny Nami, Cosmic Huntress Nidalee, Cosmic Sting Skarner, and Cosmic Hunter Varus.