Oh what a final day of qualifiers for the tournament finales.Here's the final results before the official tournament finale begins:
10X Crit vs Team Envy
This incredible win from X10C was hard fought for, with a back and forth between both teams. First, on Icebox, Team Envy takes the win 13-10. crashies leads the team with a K/D spread of +6.
The second map, Split, shows a more favorable result in X10C's side, resulting in a 13-8 win. sushiboys, yet again, leads the team with a +9 K/D spread. This win from X10C leads to a 3rd map.
The final map, Haven, resulted in a hard fought win from X10C 14-12. Envy came out of the gate with a nearly 9 round streak. X10 countered hard after the half with their own 9 round streak, with only 2 points scored by Envy in the process. X10 walked away with a final 2 point lead to take the win for the match-up. pati was the obvious MVP here with a +11 K/D ratio.
Team Secret vs Team Viking
The battle of the Team named Teams resulted in a very heavy sided result to determine the best Team named Team today. Team Secret walked away with a 13-6 win in Haven, and a 13-7 win in Icebox. Vikings wished they new the Secret sauce for victory, but they couldn't turn the tides. DubsteP and dispenser were the MVPs of Secret with KD differentials of +15 and +11 respectively in Haven. In Icebox, BORKUM absolutely carried the team with a K/D spread of +8.
cloud9 vs Vision Strikers
Our final match of the day resulted in a close matchup. First was Ascent with a 13-10 score in favor of cloud9. Split followed next with a 13-9 win for Strikers this time. The third map, was brought in to prove the best of the pairing. cloud9 pulled out the wins with a 14-10 win. leaf and mitch lead the team's MVP's.
Now that these matches are over with, we are now at the Quarterfinals stage to begin the path of determining a winner starting tomorrow, December 8th.