Welcome to day four of the VALORANT Champions 2021 tournament in Berlin. We only had 2 matches today, so a quick summary.

Team Vikings 1 vs 2 Gambit

The win of Gambit today resulted from a hard-earned battle against Team Vikings. This match-up starts out on Gambit picked Split which resulted in a Gambit win 13 to 6. Gambit's performance showed up in the stats with d3ffo getting an average combat score of 347, with a K/D spread of +10.

Map two, Bind, resulted in a reciprocated domination of Team Vikings 13 to 5. This time, as expected, Team Vikings showed a commanding force with saadhak taking a commanding lead with an ACS of 344.

The separate wins of the previous two maps gave us a third map, Icebox. This time around, both teams competed equitably. Both teams exchanged near equal bouts of wins and losses until Gambit finally went on a 9 round win streak.The MVP of this map was sheydos with an ACS of 270 and a K/D spread of +10.

Team Liquid vs Sentinels

This bracket of teams had an interesting array of outcomes, ultimate leading to Liquid's win in the end. The first map, Breeze, picked by Liquid, resulted in a win for the picker 14-12.

Bind, the second map, picked by Sentinels ended with a domination against Liquid. This map ended in a vicious 13-2 obliteration. TenZ and ShaZam both heavily carrying the teams with a +15 and +12 K/D spread respectively.

Split, the third map, helped break the split score; ending in a 13-10 win for Team Liquid. Each team exchanged round wins tic-for-tac until round 19, where Team Liquid found their pace and took the win.

This concludes the Saturday matches. We're back to three matches tomorrow with a match-up of Crazy Raccoons, and Team Secret, KRU and FURIA, cloud9 and Full Sense. Who are you rooting for? Let us know on our Gamer Galaxy Discord!